Business Litigation Can Be Expensive
By Attorney Chesley Oriel, Greater Boston Business Lawyer Unfortunately getting involved in business litigation can be expensive. Many lawsuits take a year or more to get resolved. It is important...
Will my personal assets be safe if I choose not to incorporate my business?
Additional Information: Will my personal assets be safe if I choose not to incorporate my business? I own property and wondered if I MUST incorporate to ensure that I cannot...
Successful collection of funds for mortgage holder
A client contacted our office indicating that her ex boyfriend had kicked her out of the home they had shared for 5 years. The client indicated that she had lent...
Contractor Failed To Perform
A client contacted our office complaining that a contractor had agreed to install a certain piece of equipment in his home. Not only did the contractor not perform the work...
Successful Assistance In Collection of “Invested” Funds
We represented a Senior Citizen who we believe had been taken advantage of by a friend after her husband died. This friend told our client that he would help her...
My wife and I have discussed getting a divorce several times, but we aren’t sure what to do.
Additional Information: My wife and I are having problems getting along after ten years of marriage and we have two kids. We have discussed getting a divorce several times, but...
Under Massachusetts law, what can a creditor do to collect a deficiency?
ATTORNEY ANSWER: In Massachusetts creditors have numerous rights in terms of collecting on a deficiency balance owed to them. Initially, we would prepare a demand letter and see if there...
What’s the best way to go about collecting a debt in Massachusetts?
ATTORNEY ANSWER: If the amount owed is less than $7,000.00, then sometimes its best and more cost effective for the client to file a Small Claims action and handle the...
In Massachusetts, is there a limit to how long a creditor can try to collect a debt?
ATTORNEY ANSWER: In Massachusetts there is a 6 year statute of limitations on contracts. If a contract is breached a creditor has 6 years from the date of the breach...
Under MA 93A can I sue a business and get triple damages and attorney fees?
Additional Information: I have a small business and had a contract with a Massachusetts company to perform landscaping work outside our building. I paid them nearly a couple thousand dollars...