How Do We Go About Collecting Your Debt?
We will start the debt collection process off by getting to know why and how the debt came about. We will want to know the history and/or relationship between the debtor and the client. We like to know what happened to the relationship that led to the debt.
We will then draft what is known as a “demand letter” for payment. This will be sent to the debtor and will be personalized in order to inform the debtor that they aren’t part of a mass collection letter mailing. This shows the debtor that we are looking into their debt personally. They will see that we are taking a direct interest in their case and will not be backing off of the case.
If this letter doesn’t grab their attention, our next course of action is to file suit. We will use as many of our collection tools as we can to get the money owed to you. For example, if your debtor has an open bank account, we will attempt to get a judge to attach this account. For a debtor that owns real estate, we will ask a Judge to issue a real estate attachment against them. While these procedures do take time and expertise, we will execute them in a timely fashion. As we have stated before, collecting on your debt means money for us, so we do everything in our power to take care of your case quickly.
We are a professional law firm and will pursue your debts in a professional manner at all times. We strive to uphold our client’s reputation along with our own in each case.