A slip and fall injury on a sidewalk may include cuts and abrasions that heal quickly. It’s also possible to suffer a slip and fall that leads to broken bones, herniated spinal discs, and even traumatic brain injury. If you have suffered damage from a slip and fall, a skilled attorney can help you protect your body, your family, and your future as you heal.
1. Back Injuries. A slip on an icy sidewalk, particularly on an uneven surface, can lead to a devastating spinal injury. A hard strike to the lower back can lead to herniated discs, which can contribute to leg pain and weakness over time. Landing hard on your upper back can lead to spinal cord injuries that may lead to paralysis.
2. Head Injuries. Undiagnosed brain injuries are not uncommon if you’ve suffered a slip and fall. Even if you don’t strike your head hard, it’s possible to do damage to your brain. A hard fall that includes a rebound bounce off your skull can do irreversible damage to the brain. Whether you’re injured at home or at work, concussions are dangerous. You need to be checked out.
3. Broken Bones. A hard fall can also lead to broken bones. One of the challenges for those who live in snow country is that they are often bundled up during the slipperiest part of the year. A pedestrian or someone moving from vehicle to business across a slick parking lot may well suffer a slip and fall. However, they may not realize that real damage has been done until they take off a heavy coat. If you suffer a fall on ice or snow, get inside where it’s warm and check out your injuries before you assume that you’re all right.
4. Soft tissue injuries. Many soft tissue injuries arise as people try to catch themselves during a slip and fall accident. You might stumble over clutter in your workspace and catch yourself. You protect your head and spine but sprain your wrist or bruise your elbow. A badly sprained wrist or ankle may require splinting or even surgery to repair.
5. Cuts and Abrasions. A tumble on a sidewalk can lead to some serious cuts and abrasions. If the sidewalk is uneven and you take a hard fall, you can put yourself at serious risk of infection. Bacterial exposure in such circumstances must be considered; any time the skin is open, you can become a host to bacterial growth. Get your injuries attended to; you may need stitches or debridement before the injury can be cleaned and protected.
6. Bruises. It is never wise to assume that a bruise is just a bruise or that it will simply heal with no long-term impact. A severe bruise may be hiding the signs of a dangerous blood clot. Worse, you might take a tumble walking into a new facility or store and be embarrassed. Rather than fully checking yourself out, you may just want to stand up and get on with your day. Bruising, abrasions, and even pain may not register until you’re far from the site of your accident.
7. Shoulder Injuries. The inner workings of the shoulder are remarkably complex. If you’re at work and take a hard tumble on a construction site, your hard hat may protect your skull but you might take a hit to the shoulder as you try to protect your body. After a slip and fall, it’s critical that you be assessed. The adrenaline rush after a fall may mask the pain that can tell you what parts of your body need medical attention. Schedule pressure may leave you feeling as though you should power through the pain and get on with your day. Put your health first!
8. Hip Fractures. Should you slip on the ice in the parking lot of a store, school, or church, you may suffer the break of a bone without separation. As we age, our hips become especially fragile. A hard landing can result in a partial hip fracture or an unseparated break. Even if the bones are not broken, you will need immediate medical attention. Surgery, bracing, and support tools such as walkers or canes may be necessary as well. It is possible to get back on your feet, even with a fracture. Never assume that you are fine after a slip and fall.
Anyone can suffer harm from a slip and fall injury. You may feel simply shaken and be able to stand, or you may need an ambulance to take you in for expert medical care. You can suffer such an injury at home, in the workplace, or while running errands. Take the time to carefully assess your condition and monitor your well-being after the event. If you’re hurt at work, report it. Let shopkeepers and business managers know of any hazards that caused your accident.
If you’ve suffered any of the injuries listed above due to a slip and fall, our experienced attorneys at Goldberg & Oriel are here to help. Contact us today to discuss your case and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.